Hot Dish on a Stick

It's State Fair time! Went up with Dad and Mariah. Rode the sky-ride, saw a lamb being born (I cried--that was me a few months ago! Except I'm not a lamb. And I didn't give bith in front of 100 people... And I didn't have triplets....) We also pet a baby piggy, and she was so soft, her skin felt like flannel. It's true! Ate lots of food (actually I threw most of it away. No, that's not true. Just my malt because it was NOT a malt, it was a shake and I don't drink shakes. Not even Mariah wanted it. Shakes suck!) Joaquin dressed up like a chef and had his photo taken and he was not happy about it. But then Dad bought him some super-cute tie-dye shirts and he felt better. By the time we left, he was so tired he fell asleep in my arms, sucking on my shoulder.
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