Haa HaaWeen!
It's Joaquin's second Halloween. Yay! We went trick-or-treating in Camilo's neighborhood, and everyone was so nice. They all said, here comes the Chick-fil-A boy!! Only in the South. ;) Joaquin did a good job saying trick-or-treat, thank you, and Happy Halloween. Sometimes he was afraid of the decorations (Frankenstein), or the scary little monsters running around (skeleton boy) and at the end he got a little tired, but I'm pretty sure he loved it. Especially when he got home and saw the mother load. Grandpa said, "Can I have a piece of candy?" And Joaquin looked around at all of the Skittles, and Mars bars, and Blow Pops, picked up a gooey, gummy blob and said, "Ah have eyeball." Aww...
How CUUUUTE!!!! :) Joaquin wins best costume of the year and cutest kid award.
You know I have to bring it up though...the cow costume. I immediately thought of Rachelle. Hahahaha. Just don't let him wear this every day, for no reason, and I think he'll be OK.
Haha, that's hilarious. She's NEVER going to live that down. Hahaha...
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