Morning Mama
This is the little face I see every morning. And he's always happy when he wakes up! And then we hang out for an hour and he takes a nap again! It's a good life...mama hearts her little te amo. XOXO for Joaquin even though you were naughty today and punched mama in the face three times. Plus you pulled my hair 7,000 times! So then I had to kiss you one billion times to pay you back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I want to eat you up because you smell like maple syrup!!(????) And I love you mas y mas every day.
I opened a can of black-eyed peas tonight and it all came flooding back...eating Tums like Skittles, licking salt off my palm (I kept a bag of it in my purse--I was such a freak!!), drinking my pregnancy tea twice a day like a good girl...kicks waking me up, and that flip-flopping and sommer-saulting, stretching his legs up and under my ribs...I miss it. I really, really do. Look at my belly!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!! This was one day before J was born...
Beach Baby

The drive down to the park reminded me of the drive up to Sweet Briar: tall oaks curving together to form a massive canopy shading the entire one-lane road. Deer jumping around in the grass. Bright pink flowers everywhere. And...cue Dave Matthews. Anyway, we walked in the forest first and saw lots of conejitos which seems idlyic but something about this forest really creeped me out so we left and went down to the beach instead. There we saw some fighting seagulls and a human femur. OK, so maybe it was a fish spine but it honestly was bigger than Joaquin. While we were watching the sun go down, Joaquin tried to eat some rocks. Yummy.
A Gathering of Longnecks

Went to Great-Grandma Bev's today. Took a long walk in the park where we saw lots of dead frogs crisped onto the cement. It was pretty sweet. There were live frogs, too, and Chloe would freak out everytime she heard one of them hopping in the grass. When we got home Chloe's friends were over and they gangsterfied Joaquin with cuffs (ok, no cuffs, but that would have been cool) and hats and a diaper pulled halfway around his knees. PS--Noah, you are cute!!
Joaquin met his first doggy today! He couldn't stop smiling and Mickey couldn't stop licking his little mouth. It was kind of gross actually. He was getting super excited and was acting like he was choking (the dog, not Joaquin). It was really weird. But Joaquin liked it, so it was OK. PS--The dog is a BOY but it has a red bow in it's hair???
Comida Casera
I made some baby food for this little pajarito tonight. Pears, plums, apricots and apples. I think I should make more vegetables, too, but they just look so gross. I'm all for veggies, but mashed and runny? EWW. But when I look at the baby food jars in the store all of the fruits are labeled "dessert". I guess Joaquin is a lucky baby then. PS--Chloe I MISS U!!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me and J.
At the Pool
Look at this little punk!
This is me and Joaquin when we get ready in the morning. Joaquin didn't want me to post this because he doesn't have his "make" on yet.
Rainie Daiz

Joaquin loves my heart umbrella. He kept looking at it again and again, and every time he did I had to kiss his little forehead. I think he liked walking in the rain even though his arms got wet and he had water droplets on his eyebrows. When we got home we took a hot bath to get warm. And then I kissed him some more cause he's so freakin' cute!!

Joaquin hearts Noah!!!
Stealing Joaquin
Last night I had a dream about ghosts. Like there were ghosts in my house, where we are living now, and they were trying to take Joaquin. I think I was trying to beat them off with the cats. Or maybe the cats were taking the shape of the ghosts and I was trying to beat the cats? I don’t know. It freaked me out though. Then Joaquin woke up and kicked me in the ribs. Good morning, Mama!
Kickin' It At Oxbow

Clo and I (and Joaquin of course) went to Oxbow today. We took tons of photos and walked FOREVER until we found this beautiful meadow where we took even more pictures because the sun was setting and it was that perfect golden light, and the grass was all shades of green and tan, and there were flowers everywhere; it was seriously perfect. I was like, Oh, my gosh, it's so pretty! and Chloe was like,, but it was gorgeous. I took some pictures of Chloe that are just beautiful. She looks amazing! And of course, there was the requisite "good times". This time it involved my white butt and a yellow thong, plus a lopsided ponytail. Hey, Clo, have you pooped on the floor lately?
A Pig Almost Ate Me or Chloe and the Chodeasain

Good times at the Fair with Clo and Jo! We love piggies!! And we made a new friend, too. His name is Chode. Chloe thought he was Mexican. I said he was Asian. Chloe said half and half. I said no way. So she said, he's a Chodeasain, to which I said, hahahaha. Like I said, good times. PS Clo--you look like a fricken' dino!
Cars and Trains, but No Planes

Vroom, vroom? Sure. Chug-a-chug-a-choo-choo? He even laughed at that one. But shhhhhhhhooooooooooooooommmmmmm? Nope! But I had to do it a few more times because he was making the cutest faces. I'm such a mean mommy.
Deer Wiener Takes the Wheel
It was Chloe's first day on the road today!! Watch out! No, no, she did really well. She was nervous, shaking, wiping her hands on her thighs, etc. but she totally aced it. Her turns are a bit rough (I get a little whiplash actually) and sometimes she drives on the curb, but minus that she rocks. I was like, oh, so where have you driven before (as we're headed to Silver Lake with Joaquin in the car...) and she's like, oh, just a PARKING LOT. Good times. But no fear. I wasn't scared, right Clo?