
The Chop Shop

We went back to see Ellay for Joaquin's haircut, and Mama didn't forget her camera this time! Cuteness attack!!


Haa HaaWeen!

Heading up to the first house...

Ringing the bell...

And waiting patiently for the loot.

It's Joaquin's second Halloween. Yay! We went trick-or-treating in Camilo's neighborhood, and everyone was so nice. They all said, here comes the Chick-fil-A boy!! Only in the South. ;) Joaquin did a good job saying trick-or-treat, thank you, and Happy Halloween. Sometimes he was afraid of the decorations (Frankenstein), or the scary little monsters running around (skeleton boy) and at the end he got a little tired, but I'm pretty sure he loved it. Especially when he got home and saw the mother load. Grandpa said, "Can I have a piece of candy?" And Joaquin looked around at all of the Skittles, and Mars bars, and Blow Pops, picked up a gooey, gummy blob and said, "Ah have eyeball." Aww...