
Grass, Gas or A**

You want to ride with Joaquin, you'd better be prepared to pay. He also accepts Skittles or Starbursts, and on occasion, a yougurt covered pretzel. ;)


Hey, Haircut Baby

Joaquin's first haircut...awww. =) It was actually pretty uneventful. He just sat there and didn't say boo the whole time. The stylist said most kids cry and scream and kick. Weird. I mean, why? It's not like it's scary, right?


Big Boat


Happy Birthday, GRAM!!!!

Gram's 50 today!!!!!!!! Just kidding. She's actually 51. Hahahaha. We love you GRAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Festival Hispano

We went to the Festival Hispano this weekend. It was cool. We pretty much stuffed our faces with tamales. And Joaquin got his cute little cheeks painted...

Here he is, waiting so patiently....
Then he helps choose the colors...

And holds soooo still....

Look! Do you see the rainbow?

Then he gets a pumpkin on the other side!

Cutie Pie Alert @ the Ravenel Bridge!

Little Mr. Spooky

Joaquin lovin' his new undies.

Walking the Battery

Joaquin Meets Mr. Piggly Wiggly

As you can see from the look on his face, he's totes thrilled. =)