

Can you tell Joaquin picked this out? He always did say "all" when you asked him what his favorite color was...


This is our second time to the High. I wanted to take Joaquin because they had a car exhibit (which was way cooler than I thought it would be) plus I just love art museums. Joaquin liked it, I think. Who knows? He was getting mad because I was taking too many pictures. As if I could ever stop taking pics of his little temporary-tattooed self. :)

I was going to get in there!

Joaquin loves to hang out in the dryer. Not quite sure why, but I allow it because it's mad cute.


Easter Adventures

Did we dye eggs last year? I don't remember. I think I forgot to request off, and I had to work. And we were so slow, but Jo wouldn't let me leave. Yep, sounds about right. Well I kind of made up for it this year because we ended up having two Easters. One afternoon we were playing at the park when we met some homeschool mommies and kids who were so sweet and invited us to join their Easter celebration. A few days later we dyed eggs and went to Piedmont park to hide and collect them. Except those eggs were all broken and cracked because I have THE NAUGHTIEST KITTY IN THE WORLD. Well, I suppose we're all used to Izzie being Izzie by now. Next year I won't put the eggs on the counter and leave the room. What made me think I could do that??

The Longest Word

Joaquin loves to spell. He writes his name and age on every scrap of paper he can find. He writes messages for my friends at work. He asks me to write and send texts for him. Sometimes he steals my phone and writes his own. One he sent to my boss at 7AM: Joaquin Tim Love. Good times.

Fly Biscuit Fly

Drive to Roswell Road. The Flying Biscuit for breakfast, Whole Foods for coconut milk yogurt and coffee. Up the street to Trader Joe's. Oranges, oatmeal and granola bars in Joaquin's little red cart. On a good day, we'll make it to the farmer's market. On super good day, we'll make it home in time for an afternoon nap. Hell yeah.


For Joaquin's birthday I sprinkled confetti from his bed to the kitchen table where I had presents and a cake ready for him. He loved following the trail out to the table and blowing out the big number 4 candle, but even better was having cake for breakfast. :)