
Big Boy Nap Time

Joaquin sleeps on his own now, after 11 months of nappies and night-nights with Mama. I kind of miss him because I really liked snuggling up to him at night (he was a good snuggler). For sure when I have another baby I will do the same even though people look at you funny and tell you you're going to raise a monster who will never be able to sleep on their own. And actually, Joaquin decided that he was ready to sleep alone, not me, and there were no tears, either. So mmlleehhh to you! (That was me sticking out my tongue). The moral of the story: Don't believe the haters!!! Hahaha...but seriously, don't.

The Bride of Chuck E. Cheese

Joaquin was wide-eyed in Chuck E. Cheese last night. Wheee!!!!!!! He rode a roller coaster, drove a car, rolled some balls, hit some balls and threw some balls. It was good times.

Another Day On the Beach

Grandma thinks we're lazy losers (at least me anyway, probably not Joaquin but you never know) but WE LOVE THE BEACH!!! So put that in your pipe and smoke it G-MA!!!!!!!!!


Barefoot on the Beach

It was absolutley stunningly gorgeous today. IN JANUARY!! Props to Global Warming! Keep it up, America!! (P.S. Watch An Inconvenient Truth. Now.)

Hi, Mom!


Good Morning Wild Hair!