
My Little Helper

Honestly, aren't these the cutest pictures you've ever seen? I mean, come on! He's adorable! He helps me water the flowers every morning and then he picks a little flower especially for me. Isn't that precious? He actually brings it to me with a big smile on his face. (These really aren't the flowers that you pick, but who cares.) Tell me something more precious than that! See! You got nothin', right? Zing! =)

Book Towers

I've been noticing latley that Joaquin has stopped reading his books and starting playing with them, building towers, tossing them all over the floor into one giant pile and then walking over them like hot coals. I tell him, books are for reading, not for playing, but obviously he doesn't care what I think.


Certified Beach Baby

Joaquin Hearts Soap!

Seriously, he really does loves soap...