
Test Tube Baby

Joaquin workin' the tube. Don't you just want to kiss him!? :)

Houston, We've Got a Floater

Joaquin dropping the "kids" off at the "pool".

Share the Love

A future HypnoMama and a former HypnoBaby. :) Say cheese!

Little Gym

"Gym? What's a Gym? Oh....a GYM! Hahaha." Ten points to you if you're laughing right now.

Hey, Mom! Wanna play?

Cars, trucks, and excavation equipment: Joaquin's newest obsessions....He even knows the difference between a backhoe and a digger. (??) I honestly don't know how that happened. I didn't even know there was such thing as a backhoe. I actually spelled it "back ho" at first but thought that didn't look quite right, so I googled it. Yeah, turns out a back ho is...well, let's just say it's not appropriate for children. ;)


Chalk it Up

OK, so it's been a while. A LONG while. But we're baaaack...... :)