What I Did On My Summer Vacation

It's back to school for Baby J. His favorite classes are Reading (especially La Piscina de Maisy), Music (with his new xylophone) and dance (Justin Timberlake--he's bringing sexyback). And is it just me or is he totally still in love with Britney? Hello!!
Hot Dish on a Stick

It's State Fair time! Went up with Dad and Mariah. Rode the sky-ride, saw a lamb being born (I cried--that was me a few months ago! Except I'm not a lamb. And I didn't give bith in front of 100 people... And I didn't have triplets....) We also pet a baby piggy, and she was so soft, her skin felt like flannel. It's true! Ate lots of food (actually I threw most of it away. No, that's not true. Just my malt because it was NOT a malt, it was a shake and I don't drink shakes. Not even Mariah wanted it. Shakes suck!) Joaquin dressed up like a chef and had his photo taken and he was not happy about it. But then Dad bought him some super-cute tie-dye shirts and he felt better. By the time we left, he was so tired he fell asleep in my arms, sucking on my shoulder.

Out on the boat. Joaquin likes it. Kind of. He cried a little (a lot) and I think he got scared. But then we went down inside the cabin, just me and him, and we snuggled together on the bed and he stopped crying and just looked in my eyes and listened to the waves against the boat, and everything was OK again.